Hello everyone, I am very pleased to say I am now 18 years old! I have entered adulthood or young adulthood I guess. Here in Brasil I am...
Keep the faith
Hello everyone! Been a long time no see, I got caught up with my school work, extra classes and studying for my ENEM (brazilian SAT). I...
Happy Birthday
Hello everyone! How's it going?! Been a long time no see right? As you know I had to go offline for a while due to problems with the...
Hello everyone! How has everything gone for you in the last few days? I have been going to some workshops lately and one of them was...
Music Festivals
don’t know about you guys but this is one of the most important years of my life. I’m FINALLY a senior in Highschool, I turn 18 this...
We Moved!
As you can probably tell by now with one of my post’s my mom and I moved to RIO! Rio de Janeiro, RJ. The same place the film Rio took...
Hey guys! How’s it going? If you saw my snapchats (beatrizffontes) some time ago then you’ll know that I was in Buzios, RJ I was with my...
Hey guys! If you saw on my facebook fanpage (link) I was going to be moving and I didn’t have any wifi connection until now. In the next...
Party Decorating
I remember being a kid and the best thing about halloween was going door to door and yelling out TRICK OR TREAT! Those were the days...I...
It's MY Birthday!
My birthday was yesturday, so I took the day of to just enjoy it as much as I could. I've all ways really enjoyed birthday, having...