It's MY Birthday!
My birthday was yesturday, so I took the day of to just enjoy it as much as I could. I've all ways really enjoyed birthday, having everyone how love's you all joined together happy that you wore bore for me is one of the best things out there.
Before I turned 15 I couldn't to turn 18 and now that I'm 17 I wish I was turning 5. I'm not sure if I'm the only one out there that has/had the same feeling. It's both nerve racking as it is exciting. You know that song 17 by Alessia Cara, well that's a pretty accuret to the way I feel about turning 17.
For my birthday I wasn't planning to do anything other than maybe invite some friends over and spend the night talking and having some cake. What I didn't know was that my friends had planned something for me! The day went normal like any other, three classes and then brake time where we have 15 minutes to walk around, talk to your friends, eat something if your hungry and get some fresh air. Normally we all go together but for some reason two of my friends turned in to flash! they wore out of the door faster then a blink of an eye. I had some things to do in the coordinators office so I didn't even bother running after them. Little did I know that they had baked a cake for me with a candle and every thing! With the right to have Happy Birthday sang in English! I'd never had a suprise birthday ever! The cake mad by my BFF was delicious! Girl know's how to bake! they even through icing in my face, normally I would have HATED it but I was just in such a great mood that I could stop laughing!
One day before I had been given the one and only thing I have ever wonted through out the whole year. Adele's new album! 25! I'm obsessed! My favorite song is Remedy and I'm on constant repeat becuase well it's ADELE! How could I not! At night I had a mini party joined with three awesome friend's! We had some cake that my mom bought and had our own mini boun fire, singing to any song we could play on the guitar.
Even though I didn't do anything big I know for sure I had a great day, I mean none of my teacher's gave us homework, I got to eat two cakes, I now have Adele's album, awesome friends that bake cakes just for me and a Mom everyone says pretty cool. What more would I want?
Is it a little cliche to want to watch the movie Seventeen with Mathew Perry and Zack Efron? I think it's fits perfectly to and up to my day! See you guys later! Bye!