My name is Beatriz, that's right, with a Z. My parents are Brazilians so you can guess why they spelled it that way. I was born in the USA, a small town named Herndon,VA. I spent my entire life there until I was 10 years old. My mom decided one day to move back to Brazil and that is where I am today! I've always loved music and that helped me in the beginning because as you probably know the new kid never makes friends easily especially not knowing the native language, in my case portuguese. For the past few months I've really been enjoying blogs and youtube channels. So I decided to make my own blog at least. My friends always ask for tips about songs such as what's trending, what to play at a party and what's not. So I find myself classified for the job. Not only do I enjoy listening to music but I also play a thing or two. But that is for a future blog post. Keep in tune... Besides that, I'm 16 years old, beautiful, funny and intend on being part of the entertainment world. You'll get to know me through out my blog. Enjoy!