Hello people of the internet! Hope you all had a nice time since the last time you were here! I can not explain how much I am excited to...
Cozy Up
Hello people of the internet! While christmas still isn't here and we are heading to the count down already I thought I might talk about...
The Christmas Traditions
Hey guys! So as we all know we have entered the time to be jolly and oh so very much happy. Yep that's right the year is coming to an...
Through Back
Hey guy's! What's up? Took Saturday off but no worry's I'm back once again! For the month of December my mom has received a very nice...
Let's Dance!
As you can see I have a very big passion for Music, so big I created a Blog to be able and share a bit of what I know and what there is...
Route 66
Hello people of the internet! The other day as I was walking in town with my mom we saw a bunch of guys on there Harley Davidson Bikes...