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The Christmas Traditions

Hey guys! So as we all know we have entered the time to be jolly and oh so very much happy. Yep that's right the year is coming to an end, Christmas is only two week's away and here we are all gathering together once again. Getting dressed up to celebrate and have a nice time! AHHHHH December you are so very welcomed!

As all ways there are some things that just never change, some family's always have there own traditions like taking a family picture with everyone wearing the same christmas sweater

Some always like to put up the tree a bit to early or a bit late...

But there will always be something that will forever remain during every christmas, in my case it's the Roberto Carlos Special that is on every single year! The song's are always the same one's, and it's basically a tradition at this point in life, he will forever be there. Every. Single. Year. The only thing that change's are the guest that sing along with him, normally it will be half on his song's and the other half's there's.

For those of you that don't know Roberto Carlos, he is a very famous Brazilian singer, very romantic as most of his fans like to call him. Although now a days he has moved his song writing to Rock. He started of his carrier in the 70's and continues being quite popular through out the country. One of his biggest songs yet is the oh so very classic Emocoes (one of my aunt's favorite's)

One of my favorite songs of his is actually one he did recently for the Soup Opera Salve Jorge, that was a really good show by the way if you're every looking for something new to watch that's brazilian was Furduncio, it's in a Funk Melody. The lyrics blend so nicely within the harmony.

The guest that will be appearing are mostly way I still watch the special. Me and most of my family to be honest. I guess after moving to Brazil it's the only "tradition" we actually do during this time of the year. Hope you enjoy! Bye!

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