Carnaval Has Begun
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! Hope you are just as happy as I am with these new 365 days ready to be written! Well, maybe less than 365 after all we are in February so that makes it 324 days left of 2018 I took January off to get some of my posting planning ready. I know that last year I wasn't as present as I should've been, but unfortunately I had one of the most biggest problems with internet and since I was in my senior year of High school you can probably imagine how busy it was for me.
I am glad to say that there will now be much more post's this year! I will try my best to keep updating on my facebook page and my twitter. I've got a lot planned for 2018, I could not be more motivated.
As you might have seen by the title of this post CARNAVAL HAS ARRIVED! Yes one of the biggest parties in the world and in brazilian culture has come. Before I get into the subject I came to share with you all, I would like to announce that there will be a new post about Carnaval during the whole week of the party. I will be sharing about everything that is Carnaval, from every kind of aspect. Every part of the country, you'll get to hear about all that I know, all the traditions, my experiences and much more!
I can't just jump into what happens during carnaval before telling you the whole story of carnaval.
Carnaval arrived in Brasil during the 17th century, which received many influences from Europe. In some places like France, carnaval was an urban parede. It was very comum to use masks and costumes around the street celebrating.
Certain characters have origin from Europe, but with the brazilian twist, for example our Rei Momo.

During this period, the first mini paredes (blocos) were created, but only became popular in the 20th century. The only kind of public to attend were the very poor part of our population.
Some people would even decorate their cars, wear costumes and in groups would go out to the middle of the street and celebrate. That's the big parades you see sometimes on a postcard began.
Carnaval only really became popular in the 20th century when it started to be more organized but still filled with a mess gaining each and every year new followers and at one point "Marchings" songs played only during carnaval to encourage the crowd.
The first samba school here in Rio was created in 1928 "Deixa Falar", after a couple of years eventually changed the name into "Estacio de Sa" that no longer exists now a days. Rio and Sao Paulo ended up creating the Oficial League of Samba Schools. Losing some of its original traditions while in the northeast of Brasil still keep traditions till today's days, but your going to have to wait a little bit for the next post's coming this week.

Hope you enjoyed and are just as excited as I am to see the carnaval spirit burst in the streets of Brasil! See ya tomorrow!