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Pixar Theories

If you're a Pixar fan such as myself then you'll know that there was recently confirmed the PIXAR THEORY! Was it really?

If you're not familiar with what the theory really is then let there be an explanation. The idea behind it all is that all the movies created by pixar happen in the same universe and accurately link with in together. I personally can't explain it as well as other fans can so here's a link to the best explanation I found click here. This has bugged soo many people such as myself for very long! I believe I started to become obsessed with the whole idea of these many theories after subscribing to The Carlin Brothers Channel late last year. Here's the video they did about the theory.

Although it only became huge because Pixar themselves created and posted a video with every easter egg in every movie but they did not say: Yes, It is TRUE. The Carlin Brothers also did a video about is here is a more logical explanation.

Although I would love the idea that Jon Negronie is right, we can't say it has been confirmed although it still continues being a pretty cool and very well thought idea. I still want to believe that one day PIxar shall approach the idea. Untill then we can still keep up other theories.

Here are some of my favorite theories the Carlin Brothers have done about Disney

Disney Theory: What Book Is Belle Actually Reading?

Pixar Theory: Darla's Origin

Pixar Theory: Cars Are Alive?

Not only that but they also answer some theory about Harry Potter here are a couple of my favorite videos

Harry Potter Theory : Why Is Peeves Allowed To Stay At Hogwarts?

Harry Potter Theory: The Veil Explained

And my favorite one yet Harry Potter Theory: Dumbledore's Horcrux, later on after them posting this video was disapproved by your's truly J.K. Rowlling herself. But still being a pretty awesome idea.

I personally love these kind of videos not only theories about my favorite movies but as well as conspiracy theories. If you are ever interested in watching or finding out more about the theories that are out there or conspiracy theories you should check out the Carlin Brothers and also Shawn Dawson's channel. On Shawn's channel there are more darker things than just a couple of conspiracy theories about celebrities.

I want to know about you guys? What do you guys think about the pixar theories? What's been your favorite video so far? Thanks for reading! See ya' later! Bye!

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