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Let's Make it Acapella

As much as I love playing my instruments and going to watch my friends play in the local orchestra and even hear my teachers rehearse for their next performance. Sometimes it's good to take a break and go to a more calmer type of vibe. Like for example listen to an opera or hear a group made out of five very talented twenty year olds sing an entire song without one single instrument? Let’s say Pentatonix maybe?

If you’ve been here for a while then you can probably remember the name from before or you sparked interest after hearing one of their songs on one of my post’s. If you’re new then welcome! Make yourself at home! With all jokes aside I thought I should say a few thing or two about them. I was talking to a friend and she had never heard about them before and it was just like in the old cartoons. Out came a light bullet and it instantly lit. So here I am.

Pentatonix is a group that's full on VOCAL! Their incredible and for some reason seem to create sounds that you would never imagine was a person. Personally I wish I could see them live because some time it's unbelievable really. Have a look.

They started their career on the show The Sing-Off and won in first place. With what they can do with their voices it's hard to believe they didn't. Ever since then they've been everywhere! I mean every where! Ellen, the AMA's, The Shorty Awards, Youtube commercials. I love it! I think they've got a lot of talent and will go far if they play their cards right.

My favorite style or kind of music they sing is their christmas cover's and original songs.

Mary did you know?

That's what Christmas means to me

These are my favorite songs they've put out there. Well that's all I have for today guys see ya' later!

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