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Hello everyone! How's it going? So as you may already know the film Moana a Disney original is going to be released on the 23 of November but yestureday was the premier! and there was a blue carpet, a major big welcome to all the cast and people invited to see the film! Some of my favorite Brazilian bloggers went to share and promote the film from California. As you can see in the pictures they've posted.

The story line in Moana a teenager that lives in the Island's of Polynesia daughter of the chief of her tribe is off to find demigod to try to reconnect her heart of Tehiti. As she sails in hope to save her family from annihilation. Here check out the trailer.

I'm very excited to see Moana, after seeing the big message behind Frozen I'm very curious to see what's the message they leave in Moana.

Not only does it seem to be different from the typical princess movie's Disney is know for. From what I've heard it seems to be going into the Mulan/Pocahontas vibes you know how a girl can fight for her self and can make a difference, girl power and so on. If that's the case I'm ready to see this on the big screen!

The song were co-written by yours truly Lin-Manuel Miranda! I have heard some of the tracks from what I can hear on Youtube and the song How far I'll go sung by Alessia Cara is already a favorite! I mean her voice is already so good, the lyrics even as simple as they are, are just so great! Listen for yourself

Here are some of the other songs that have been released

We know the way

You're Welcome

All I've seen so far is pretty positive and I'm excited already! How about you? Let me know! See ya' guys later!

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