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Hello! If you've read my previous blog post you'll see I spoke about the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympics, so you can probable imagine what this is going to be about.

If you guessed the ending ceremony your 100% correct! This last Sunday was the ending of the games. That obviously was going to lead on to another ceremony with many a presentations! There were many popular songs but unlike the opening ceremony they focused a lot upon dance. The night kicked of with a Acapella singing group from Minas Gerais . Absolutely beautiful. while they sang on stage, on the ground were dancers that formed the Cristo Redentor to the song " Abra suas asas " (open your wings) , Pao de Acucar and then formed the Olympics biggest symbol.

After that the national Brazilian anthem was sang but just like the opening there was a twist to it, samba of course! On stage was an actress dressed as Carmen Miranda singing "Tico-Tico no Fuba".

To top that it was Japans turn to show a 8 minute teaser video of the next Olympics in Tokyo. I already know where I'm going to be in 2020!

It had been raining that night, and it couldn't have been better timing! As they had to some way end the flam they aloud the water to do that as the singer Mariene de Castro sang "Pelo tempo que durar" as the water fell upon the flame representing the huge amount of tropical waters.

To end the night, all of the samba school's principal dancers with other members all danced and sang holding there school flags as they exit with class to ''O Cordao da Bola Preta".

Once again I really wish I had been there but I still got my hopes up for Japan in 2020. The night pretty much ended there. See you guys later! What was your favorite moment of the ceremony?

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